Rumors about the specifications and possible release date of LG G5 smartphone have been recently circulating online. The speculations are not totally baseless but the actual details about the new smartphone model cannot yet be officially verified. Some analysts are speculating that LG G5 is likely to have a full metal body, following the current trend in other brands. This will allow it to compete with the HTC and Apple smartphone models that have metal cases.
Most of the current speculations are based on the earlier model and immediate predecessor of the G5, the LG G4. As pointed out by some technology writers and bloggers, the LG G4 has several excellent features that almost made it at par with other high end brands in the market. The G5 could make up for some of the shortcomings of the G4. Some critics are indeed very hopeful that 2016 will be the year that will make the LG brand more impressive.
LG smartphone designs have so much potential that it may require only a few tweaks to make the LG G5 truly great. Although some technology bloggers are expecting metal and glass body for the new LG phone, there are others who pointed out that LG is not very fond of following aesthetic trends. They cited the G4 as an example, which has a plastic and leather case.
According to some writers, LG has to adapt to the new aesthetic design trends if it really intends to compete with Apple, Samsung, HTC and Sony. It might become a technology dinosaur if the designers remain caught in their semi-nonconformist ideas.
Source: LG G5 Specs, Release Date Rumors: It Could Be A Full Metal Case?
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