Monday, May 30, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Release & Rumors: It Is Actually Galaxy Note 7?

The Samsung Galaxy Note 6 is one gadget that many tech addicts have been looking forward to. Samsung has already released two successful flagship phones earlier this year and fans are looking forward to the next one. While tech junkies are busy digging up rumors and leaks about the Galaxy Note 6, do not be surprised if there will not be any Note 6 releasing this year after all.

Don't be worried though as it doesn't mean that Samsung has decided to abandon the release of their next big smartphone. All that it actually means is that the company could be going with a different name to market their next flagship phone.

According to The Verge, Samsung is rumored to be considering skipping the Galaxy Note 6 name and go with a different one instead. The last Galaxy Note smartphone released last year was the Note 5 which is why people have been calling the upcoming Note release as the Galaxy Note 6.

The name change though may be for good reason. According to BGR, the purpose of going directly to the Galaxy Note 7 name is to help ensure that customers know that it is a new device. With the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge also released earlier this year, some consumers may think that a Galaxy Note 6 may be an outdated device.

Having the same number for both the flagship smartphone product lines of Samsung certainly makes a lot of sense. One might ask why they only thought of doing it now. It's better late than never though. Expect more news on the Galaxy Note 7 to surface in the next few months as the device is rumored for a mid-August release.

Be sure to check back here to find out more news and updates on the Galaxy Note 7 as well as other great smartphones releasing soon.

Source: Samsung Galaxy Note 6 Release & Rumors: It Is Actually Galaxy Note 7?

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