Friday, May 6, 2016

Your Next Smartphone Might Be Flexible And Holographic

Trending News: Is This The Future Of Smartphones? Why Is This Important?

Because we've been waiting for a major leap in smartphone technology — could this be it?

Long Story Short

Due to its thousands of fisheye lenses, the HoloFlex smartphone can project 3D images that are visible from any angle. It also can bend and flex, which not only adds durability, but gives you a third dimension so you can interact with it through its apps. Unfortunately though, HoloFlex isn't yet ready for consumers and probably won't be for a while. 

Long Story

No need to worry about #BendGate with this phone — unlike the iPhone 6 Plus, the HoloFlex is built to bend. And it's not just a neat feature that'll allow you to slot your phone more easily into your skinny jeans. When using apps on the smartphone prototype (it runs on Android), HoloFlex acknowledges you're bending it. So let's say you're playing Angry Birds — you can launch that son of a with a quick tilt of the wrist. 

Even cooler, the HoloFlex, invented by a team of researchers at Queen's University's Human Media Lab in Australia, claims to have built the first fully holographic screen. The screen is composed of 16,000 tiny fisheye lenses that disperse light in all directions, so you can project 3D images to anyone looking at the screen without the need of an aide like 3D glasses or headgear.

Another cool feature of the 3D screen is that you can chit chat with your mom in full 3D video conferences.

"By employing a depth camera, users can also perform holographic video conferences with one another", Dr. Roel Vertegaal, director of the Human Media Lab and professor of HCI at Queen's University's School of Computing in a press release. "When bending the display users literally pop out of the screen and can even look around each other, with their faces rendered correctly from any angle to any onlooker".

Considering that smartphones haven't been changing too much — a little faster here, a little waterproof there — could flexibility and holographic screens present the future for smartphones?

Probably not anytime soon, since the display turns into a 160 x 104 pixel display after going through the lenses — far from the beautifully vivid screens we see on smartphones now, as pointed out by The Verge.  

Still, these are some pretty neat features we'd gladly accept if they're added to the latest and greatest. 

Check out a full breakdown of HoloFlex in the video below:

Own The Conversation Ask The Big Question

By the time this technology is ready for mass consumption will smartphones be a thing of the past? 

Disrupt Your Feed

Kids will be launching things at their teachers in class using their smartphone as a slingshot. 

Drop This Fact

Flexible and even foldable smartphones could be coming sooner rather than later. Samsung could have one in store for us as soon as 2017, according to USA Today. 

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Source: Your Next Smartphone Might Be Flexible And Holographic

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