Monday, May 25, 2015

Behind the Downfall at BlackBerry

Behind the Downfall at BlackBerry

Ever since Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down as co-chairmen and co-chief executives of BlackBerry, neither has spoken much in public about the once-dominant smartphone maker's fall into near market obscurity. The two and many others have ... Read more

All Latest Blogs about Blackberry - May 25, 2015

  • Is BlackBerry laying off employees from the device biz to boost software growth?

    BlackBerry Ltd has said it is laying off an undisclosed number of employees in its device business including those involved in smartphone software and applications development, reports the Wall Street Journal. This is part of BlackBerry's plan to boost ... Read more
  • Blackberry Acquisition: Apple, Microsoft, Xiaomi & Lenovo Are In $7B Acquisition Race – Reports

    Blackberry is back in demand, and be assured that this is not 2010. As per reports coming in from various sources, companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Xiaomi, Huawei and Lenovo are making plans to acquire this company and the deal may be in the range of $7 ... Read more
  • BlackBerry announces fresh round of lay-offs as it pursues profitability

    It's been a rollercoaster ride for BlackBerry Limited ever since CEO John Chen took over the leadership reins, and after all the optimism earlier this year, things are now looking a bit glum with reports saying the company is set to lay-off staff in an ... Read more
  • BlackBerry to Cut Jobs in Device Arm

    BlackBerry Ltd. said Friday it is laying off an undisclosed number of employees in its device business including those focused on development of smartphone software and applications. The move is part of the company's goal of boosting sales of higher ... Read more
  • BlackBerry Begins Layoffs In Smartphone Division To Focus On More Profitable Sectors

    BlackBerry, or the company formerly known as Research In Motion (RIM) if you prefer, has a seemingly endless playbook filled with strategies to keep the company afloat. A name change is just one of many things the company has tried, in addition to hiring ... Read more
  • 'How did they do that?' New book reveals BlackBerry's response to original iPhone

    Living in a world where the iPhone dominates, and rivals don't so much compete by doing things differently but by offering cut-rate versions of the same core technology, it can be easy to forget how much of a disruption Apple's handset actually caused ... Read more
  • BlackBerry Ltd Laying off Device Employees to Increase Software Developement

    After another significant loss in their fiscal fourth quarter of 32 percent, BlackBerry is making some harsh choices. While there is not a specific number of layoffs noted, the struggling smartphone maker said it would impact "a number of employees ... Read more
  • BlackBerry plans another round of layoffs in the smartphone unit

    Canadian smartphone maker Blackberry Limited on Friday announced its decision to cut jobs globally as it consolidates its various business verticals including application, software and hardware. In an emailed statement, the Waterloo, Ontario-based company ... Read more
  • Amid Restructuring, Blackberry Calls for More Layoffs

    Blackberry is laying off an undisclosed number of employees as it continues to consolidate its hardware, software, and applications businesses. Blackberry has turned to layoffs in an attempt to maximize the company's ability to make its device business ... Read more
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