If rumors are to be believed, the upcoming flagship Samsung Galaxy Note 6 and LG G Flex3 smartphones are expected to ship with latest Snapdragon 823 instead of 820 chipset. Expected to be run at a maximum turbo speed of 2.6GHz on two cores and 2.0GHz on the other two, the maximum speed can go up to 3.0GHz in some configurations. However, the Snapdragon 820 can only crank up to 2.2GHz maximum.
While Snapdragon 823 will have the same sets of features like the Hexagon 680 DSP and Adreno 530 GPU, the interesting aspect with the chip is that it can support up to 8GB LPDDR4 RAM.
As per unconfirmed reports, the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 6 will be equipped with more RAM than the previous counterparts. Though it is highly unlikely to have 8GB RAM, there is a chance that the Galaxy Note 6 could bear 6GB of RAM.
Not much information is available about Samsung's next S-Pen phablet. Even though tech circles recently reported that a foldable smartphone is in the cooking room of Samsung's manufacturing plant, it is unlikely that a phone of that type will emerge in the near future.
LG, according to sources, is actively considering the launch of a third generation LG Flex smartphone. Despite LG abandoning its odd curved smartphone, it will be interesting to wait and watch whether the Korean company will integrate Snapdragon 823 into its internals although the V series is slated for a huge expansion by the end of 2016.
According to tech analysts, Qualcomm had not so nice 2015. But we still believe that several smartphones were released into the market which got a big response, but analysts say they were not up to the mark when compared with competitors.
Moreover, Snapdragon 810 was widely criticized by tech enthusiasts due to its reduced performance and hence the company is moving with caution with its upcoming 823 by testing the chip in various ways.
Both the smartphones, Samsung Galaxy Note 6 and LG G Flex3 are expected to be released in the third quarter of 2016.
Source: Samsung Galaxy Note 6 and LG G Flex3 release date and specs rumors: Snapdragon 823 SoC in Q3
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