Friday, January 6, 2017

Huawei planning their own take on a Project Tango smartphone


Lenovo was the first manufacturer to actually release a Tango smartphone to the public with their Phab2 Pro, but it was only a matter of time before we started to see other companies try to get in on the action. Huawei has announced that they're stepping up to bat with their own augmented reality Tango device in the pipeline.

That's pretty much where the good news ends, unfortunately. Huawei is leaving everyone hanging by not announcing anything at all about the device, including specs, a name, a price, or a release date. It's supposed to be released in the "near future" but that's pretty vague when we're talking about brand new tech like this.

Tango is hopefully going to take off soon, and now that more manufacturers are dedicating time and resources to it, things are looking bright. It's still not exactly a booming market, especially compared to virtual reality devices, but there's still plenty of time and room to keep growing.

For everything else that's happened at CES this year, check out our full coverage.

source: Android Authority

Born in southern Alabama, Jared spends his working time selling phones and his spare time writing about them. The Android enthusiasm started with the original Motorola Droid and an unhealthy obsession with fixing things that aren't broken. This accidentally led to being the go-to guy for anything more complicated than a toaster, which he considers more of a curse than a blessing. Jared is enrolled in online classes at the University of Phoenix, and spends his spare time on video games and listening to music.

Source: Huawei planning their own take on a Project Tango smartphone

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