Nokia announced three Android-powered handsets at this year's Mobile World Congress event in February. These devices — the Nokia 3, Nokia 5, and Nokia 6 — are set to make their market debut in the U.S. by end June.
The three smartphones are also in line to benefit from the Android O update. It is worth noting that Nokia 6 is already available in a few Asian countries and it runs on Android 7 Nougat.
Upcoming Nokia Handsets To Get Android O Update?The Nokia smartphones will come with Android Nougat OS on launch, but a spokesperson for HMD Global confirmed that all the upcoming handsets will also receive the Android 8.0 Oreo update when Google decides to launch it.
"The smartphones will get the Android O update once the new release is available from Google for their OEM partners, the same way HMD Global is committed to the monthly Android security updates," the spokesperson revealed.
However, the Android O platform, which was revealed at Google's I/O event in 2017, is slated to release sometime in the third quarter of the year. So, the Alphabet-owned company will officially release the next-gen OS around September or October. It is unlikely that it will roll out to the three Nokia handsets immediately.
It usually takes a couple of months for an Android update to reach unlocked smartphones. The updates take even longer to reach carrier-bound devices, which indicates that the Nokia 3, Nokia 5, and Nokia 6 handsets will not get the Android O update before December.
However, the fact that HMD has confirmed that the update would be supported for these handsets will delight most fans. Moreover, the upcoming smartphones will start retailing with the stock Android Nougat version installed, which should make the subsequent upgrade to the newer Android OS easier for users.
What Will Android O Bring?The successor to the highly successful Android Nougat, the Android O or Android Oreo, will feature several improvements over the last version. One of the features which will be added to Android devices through the new OS is the inclusion of Autofill password support. People using password managers would be able to pick one program, which would allow it to autofill the password for all of the users' accounts.
Android O promises to also bring significant improvements to the device's battery life by limiting the functions taking place in the background.
Google also said that it will implement better shortcuts for the device's lock screen, which means that users will be able to customize the lock display to navigate more of their apps.
These are just some of the features of the Android O, which is scheduled to be released later in 2017. With these features in tow, the Nokia devices will perhaps be among the first smartphones to get the Android O update.
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Source: Android O Confirmed For All Nokia Smartphones Launched Earlier This Year
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