Friday, July 1, 2016

6 Ways Smartphone Cameras Prove Better than Digital Cameras

With the rise in sales and release of more smartphones, the specifications and quality of the camera is always a priority. The same craze for professional cameras too is growing among the Indian masses.

But there is always an advantage having a smartphone than a digital camera. Here are 6 points to prove that owning a smartphone is more important than a DSLR.

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Always there

Your smartphone is there with you always. Unlike the bulky cameras, you can have a smartphone with good camera specifications right in your pocket. You wouldn't be comfortable carry a digital camera in your pocket too. If you're at an event that you had to attend at the last minute, your smartphone is always there to help you.


If you had to capture some moments without grabbing too much attention, then having a smartphone is always handy. Since its compact enough, a smartphone can also be kept in discrete locations that even a DSLR cannot be kept.

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App benefits

Android and iOS users have access to the largest repository of apps for both productivity and entertainment. But the most used apps downloaded will still be photography-centric ones like Instagram and PhotoGrid. Even for any video content recorded, you can download another app for editing the file and putting in more animations.

Accessorize it

Unlike shelling out a lot of money for the professional lenses and flash, you can use many cheaper accessories that can fit your phone's camera. These lenses work in the same way you use for DSLRs but are more compact.

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Unlike the digital cameras that we use, our smartphones are always connected to the web. You can upload your pics and share them instantly on social media without having to wait to go home and transfer the files to your laptop.

Better photography

With the passing of time, using the smartphone's camera will get you to become good at taking shots quickly. You can learn to compose your shots right from your phone and then see the results even before the shot is taken. Your experience later can be used with a DSLR camera too.

Source: 6 Ways Smartphone Cameras Prove Better than Digital Cameras

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