Saturday, September 10, 2016

AAMC health column: Text neck - is your smartphone hurting you?

According to a 2015 study, nearly two-thirds of American adults own a smartphone, and we're spending more time than ever looking down at them. The new technology's widespread use has led to the rise of a new disorder: "text neck."

Text neck is exactly what it sounds like: a postural disorder resulting from spending too much time staring down at cell phones or other devices. It can result in neck pain, soreness and pain in the back and shoulders.

Typically, when you hold your head straight, gravity only applies 10 to 12 pounds of force to the neck. But as the angle between the neck and the vertical plane increases, so does the amount of force. When you look down at your phone, your head is most likely at a 60-degree angle. At this angle, you'll feel 60 pounds of force on your neck. That's like putting a little kid on your neck all day.

The disorder is more common among young people, but I have seen symptoms in patients as old as 50. Most people have a cell phone, whether they're texting or just scrolling through social media, they're constantly looking down. What that's doing, though, is adding increased stress on the cervical spine.

With Pokémon Go emerging as a major mobile phenomenon — the app had more than 21 million daily users in the U.S. just weeks after its release — people have been staring at their phones more than ever. Since the game requires users to move around a lot, it is helping kids get more exercise, but this could lead to more symptoms of text neck. The constant looking down is not good for them.

Text neck is easily avoidable, and the best medicine is education. I teach a spine course at AAMC, and tell all of my patients to simply alter their phone habits. I tell them to pick the phone up and bring it to eye level. This is an easily preventable condition. There's no need to suffer from pain in your neck, shoulders or back due to your phone.

If you suffer from back pain, Anne Arundel Medical Center's free Lower Back Pain 101 class can help. This class features a spine doctor, nurse and physical therapist who will teach you the basics about your spine, easy injury prevention exercises and common back pain treatments. You'll have time to ask questions about your unique situation. To sign up for the next class on Wednesday, Sept. 21 from 5 to 6pm, visit or call 443-481-5555.

Ashish Kakar, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Anne Arundel Medical Group Physical Therapy in Annapolis. To reach his office, call 443-481-1140.

Source: AAMC health column: Text neck - is your smartphone hurting you?

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