The PHAB2 was built around the Project Tango experience, which is Google's Android-based augmented reality solution. Under the hood, the device is powered by a Snapdragon 652 processor Tango Edition, 4 GB of RAM, and a 4050 mAh 2.4 x turbo charging battery. Interior decorators, retailers, AR game developers and home renovators will all be able to make use of Tango's spatial awareness.
Although sleek and stylish, of course, all that's really important about the Phab2 Pro is that it is the first consumer smartphone that has Project Tango. Through motion tracking, the PHAB2 Pro's "eye" sees its own location in 3D.
The $499 (India prices yet to be announced) PHAB2 Pro will be globally available from September.
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We've heard about bendable and extensible devices from Samsung and modular ones from the likes of Google and Lenovo with Project Ara and the Moto Z family respectively, but these two companies have also teamed up to bring another brilliant piece of tech to a consumer-ready product...
Project Tango also enables superimposed reality onto screens. The core features of Tango are motion tracking, depth perception and area learning, which come together to allow the technology to understand its environment and use it for augmented reality purposes.
Moreover, the Vice president and GM of Android and Chrome Computing at Lenovo, Jeff Meredith, said that the Phab 2 Pro has been created to provide improved user experience to all their customers by utilizing Project Tango's motion sensor technology. Also included are a 13-megapixel camera, 16GB of storage and a microSD slot for expandable memory. The device features an array of sensors and cameras to enable the hardware side of Tango. The phone is enabled with Dolby Atmos technology allowing users to record 5.1 surround sounds. This, according to Lenovo, will allow developers to create richer experiences for users through creating applications that can explore physical space around for the user, have more precise navigation without Global Positioning System, measure the space and opens a digital portal into virtual 3D worlds. They won't be released anytime soon, but we saw a tablet that folds in half to become a phablet, and a smartphone that folds like a slap bracelet to become a wearable device.
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It will be available globally from September, although there's no news on a United Kingdom specific price or release date yet.
The Lenovo PHAB2 will be sold at $199, beginning September.
Cam Newton says LeBron James is better than Stephen CurryThere's not more of a complete player, so I don't see how he couldn't be the most valuable. With a response like that, it would only be fitting if Curry wears the shoes in Game 5.
Source: Lenovo Unveils the World's First Project Tango Smartphone, the Phab2 Pro
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